Submissive Whore

submissive whore robyn2Master was at work when the phone rang.
“Are you being a good little submissive whore today?” His deep voice reverberated through the line.
Instantly I became wet, my throat dry and my hands began to shake.
“Yes Master”
“Go get the dried beans out of the cupboard and pour the bag on the floor in a pile.”
“Yes Master”
“Now go get your nipple claps and the cat o nine tails”
“Yes Master”
“Take off all your clothes except your panties and kneel on the dry beans”
“Yes Master”
“Put your nipple clamps on and tighten them down”
“Yes Master”
“Now whip your tits with the cat o nine tails”
“Yes Master”
“Harder I want to see the whelps when I get home. No touching that wet pussy”
“Yes Master”
“Now your back. Harder”
“Yes Master”
“Now your wet pussy. Harder. Harder”
I could hear him cumming on his end of the phone but I dared not let him hear me. His lunch is over. He will check me for whelps when he gets home.

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