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Submissive slut Just Like a Bunny

Submissive slutI’m a bunny! Well, I got a bunny tail that goes up my butt! It’s so cute and fluffy and when Master puts it in and I wear the matching ears it makes me feel so pretty and cute. I can’t help but watch myself in the mirror and wiggle my butt when I see it and I just want to walk around naked so everyone can enjoy how I look! So imagine how happy I am that Master just told me I’m going to be the fertility bunny at our next party! It’s my job to go around and fuck everyone’s cock and get my cunny all filled with cum so we can have a good Easter! For the party we went to this old fashioned Garden and everyone looked so nice. I was super excited to see all the other pretty bunnies in their ears and tails. All already being used by the Masters. I must have looked super excited because Master swatted me on the butt right on my tail and told me to go play as he made his way towards a table with his friends where one had a beautiful black bunny with a gray tail and ears sucking his cock and the other had a sweet little Asian bunny with pink ears and tail riding his cock. Her eyes glazed with pleasure and her thighs already shiny with pussy juice and cum. I was fascinated watching her orgasm on this huge cock that was stretching her tight little open. I felt hands grip my hips and a cock press against my ass sending a shiver through me before he rested his chin on my shoulder. “Watcha lookin at?” he whispered in my ear followed by a low “oooh” in my ear before he pushed me forward walking to the fucking couple. “Let’s get a closer look shall we?” and before I knew it I was on my knees my nose filed with the smells of sex, sweat, and cum and there was a cock pressing at my soaking pussy and my face was being pressed against the man’s balls where I did the best thing a slut bunny like me could do. Lick, suck, and pleasure the two in front of me while being used for someone else’s enjoyment without getting lost in my own.

Submissive slut the First Mate

Submissive slutI love role play and being Master’s sweet little sailor. That white and blue uniform is so cute and makes me feel so sexy. Master is of course the Captain of our ship and it’s my duty as first mate to ensure that Captain is taken care of in every way. Even if that means spending the night in his quarters. Riding Master’s cock, wearing nothing but my sailor’s cap as Master gives me his full mast. Letting me ride his waves and gifts me with his own seamen to help us along our perilous journey on the high seas. We have to make sure that Master can focus so even as he sits at the couch, legs spread, cock hard, controller in his hand as he plays his pirate games this first mate knows her place. On her knees with Master’s cock in her mouth. Licking, worshiping, and showing just how much she loves to be at his feet. My fingers wrapping around his shaft, sucking up and down his hard length, wearing my uniform again. Slow and steady to not ruin his focus until he’s ready to cum, even if that takes hours I’m a good first mate and will lick, suck, tease until Master is ready to gift me with his amazing cum and let me taste it and feel it on my skin. I love my Captain Master and want to make sure he’s the best he can be even if it means I am always on my knees.

Bondage Whore is the Table

Bondage whoreForniphilia is a form of bondage and sexual objectification in which a person’s body is incorporated into a chair, table, cabinet or other piece of furniture. I kept reminding myself of this as my arms were strapped into a V and my legs together making me a table. My head was even covered with a mask and some strappy things wrapped around me to make me more sexy. There was a cold tray on my back, heavy with drinks and snacks. I was a good table as I listened to my Master woo his date, the purrs and happy noises she was making lets me know he’s doing well. I can smell his musk and hear wet slurping noises. His breath catching confirms that Master is getting his cock sucked. She gags for a moment coming up for breath, panting and I know he took her head and held her down. Put all his cock in her throat at once before pulling her off of his cock. I felt the tray lifted off of my back. Surprised as I felt a warm body lean over me. Putting their weight on me. Her soft pillowy breasts pressing into my back. I heard the sound of a belt being pulled out of belt loops before I heard a sharp hard crack across an ass. The girl resting on me moaned and a shiver ran through her. Knowing I was being her support, her table, make my pussy so wet and helped me to forget the soreness of my muscles from the awkward and hard position to keep. So as he kept spanking her with the belt, her nails gripping and digging into my side. The surprised cries. The gasps as leather impact skin. I just couldn’t help but get wetter and wetter. I could feel my own pussy juices trickling down my thighs as the belt thumped onto the ground. Then the conjoined moans of two people experiencing each other. My Master was fucking this woman while she used me for support. Each thrust I could feel her moan against my back, feel those shivers of pleasure and the pin prick of her nails. He thrust harder making her rock back and forth over me as the room filled with the sound and smell of their fucking and it was so amazing. When she came on me, quivering with the orgasm. Master grunting as he came into her. I felt my own pussy contract, cumming without it ever being touched. Just because I got to be their table for their fucking.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasiesMy boss had been eying me for months now. I’ve been a good girl and putting him off as my Master has not given me permission to play with him. So I was rather surprised when I was working on some filing in his office when I felt a sharp pain across the back of my head making everything go black. I have no idea how long I’d been out but I woke up to a splitting headache. My mouth dry and in pain. Hands behind my back, knees tied together, and my ankles tied together. I tried to cry out but the gag in my mouth wouldn’t let me make much noise and I looking around realized I was in a house but I didn’t didn’t really get a chance to look before I saw bare ankles and hairy legs in front of my line of sight and then I heard my boss’ voice. Good you’re awake. I’ve been waiting for you so you could enjoy me too. Then I felt his hands gril my hips and move me into a doggy position. I squirmed trying to get away but it was no use. His hands pushed my skirt up and ripped away my panties and stockings. He didn’t wait though, shoving his hard cock into my mostly dry pussy making me scream behind the gag as he began to fuck me. “Fuck fuck fuck it’s so tight” he groaned to himself before filling me with cum after a sad minute or two. He patted my ass sighing happily. “See what you’ve been missing Casey. Now just let me recover and we can do it again. After all, I can’t let you go can I?”

Getting to know Hypoxyphilia

Submissive WhoreHypoxyphilia (more commonly known as ‘autoerotic asphyxiation’) is a rare and potentially life threatening sexual paraphilia where a person seeks to reduce supply of oxygen to the brain during a heightened state of sexual arousal. The definition was floating through my head as I wheezed for breath. My head so light and floaty as that belt around my neck just off my air just enough. It was amazing when mixed with the cock fucking me hard from behind. My master’s growls of pleasure flitting my ears as he held the belt like a leash. Just keeping me on the edge of consciousness so there was nothing but this floating, beautiful, abyss of pleasure all around me and running through me. I love it when my Master chokes me as he uses my pussy… Especially when we cum together, my pussy so tight around his cock as he twitches inside of me filling me with his amazing cum.

Sexy phone chat not Always Rough

Sexy phone chatEveryone always assumes that being in a D/s relationship that it’s always about you. That I never get to have my way, that I don’t to be a person. That being a slave means I don’t get to be an individual. While I think that’s true for some girls but for me. I love being the tool that you use for your own pleasure and mental well being. I would much rather be at your feet and be there for you than alone or in an emotionally abusive relationship. I know exactly what I am to you, why I am, and what my place is and that brings me comfort. Even if it’s a soft night like tonight. You just need the warmth of a human body, the love and loyalty that only a slave can give. It’s why rather than being tied and commanded, I ride your cock. Let you watch my breast bounce and jiggle with the movement. Slow, careful, unhurried rocks of my hips. Giving you just what you need and letting you relax and let go. I love you Master. I love it when you’re cruel to me and I love it when you’re just you. It’s why my favorite feeling in the world is your cock twitching in my cunt, pumping me full of your cum, and you stopping me when I try to move. Wanting to keep us locked together for just a little longer.

Sold to the highest Bidder

Prostate phone sexI found myself alone in a hotel room, the man who had purchased me for the night wasn’t what I’d call a looker. He seemed old enough to be my dad and was soft around the middle. A far cry from the lean and muscled men I tended to fuck. However, when he came up to me, took a fist full of my hair, and growled into my ear. “Tonight you are my fucking slut and you will obey me.” I nearly came in my panties, I could barely manage to whimper out a weak “Yes sir.” before he let go, sitting in an arm chair in a way that only could make me think regal. His cock pressing against his pants and he rubbed it leisurely as he told me “Strip.” I felt as if I was on edge with want and need as I unzipped my dress and wiggled out. Letting it slide to the ground and my pussy was soaked at that pleased growl. “Good slut.” He pulled his cock out of his pants and I felt my mouth salivate. Wanting to feel that cock running over my tongue. I crawled to my Master for the night and started with his balls. Sucking each of the hairy orbs into my mouth. Suckling and running my tongue over the heavy sacks with a purr that made him groan. He pushed himself down on the chair, letting me pull of his pants before he spread his legs wider for me. I spit on my hand and wrapped my fingers around his shaft. Moving my hand up and down as I moved my head lower, licking and sucking along his taint and moving my lips between his ass cheeks. Licking my Master’s ass and pushing my tongue into him as my hand jerks his cock off in a fast up and down motion. I knew just how to fuck him with my tongue. Lapping at his love button and making sure to tease it as best as I could before I felt his sphincter squeeze my tongue. His cock throbbing in my hand and his hot cum shoot up and land all over my hair and on my hand. His cock softened in my hand and he pulled my face away from his ass letting me look up at him still messy with his cum. He gestured to the bed where I could see the 4 point harness system and it was in no time I found myself face up, spread eagle, and with Master’s fingers in my pussy. His tongue over my clit, and my own orgasm just on the edge. I just had to be a good girl and wait until I’m told to let go.

Scat phone sex Becoming a Dirty Whore

Scat phone sexIt was time for yearly review and in not sure what I did to displease Master but from what I’ve heard in the works and the giggles as I pass by my comrades has me worried.  I was a big girl though and loved being Master’s property. So I knew I could do whatever he had planned for me! It didn’t make me any less nervous though when I met Master and found the other Masters in our community and their slaves all together in our shower room. Incense burning in every corner and the room lit by candles giving it an oddly supernatural quality as my lungs filled with the smell of sandalwood and jasmine. I went to kneel before my Master. Presenting myself with palms up and knees parted so he could inspect me. “Go slave, kneel in the middle of the room over the drain and present.” I moved into the position as told and Master and two others came to me with unprocessed jute rope. The fibers were rough and itchy as they tied my arms to my chest, wrist to my thighs, and thighs to my calves. Forcing me to stay in position 1 without hurting myself and then tied my hair to my ankles making my back arch and forcing me to look up rather than the traditional down. I still wasn’t sure what my task was, but based on the sadistic grins and sympathetic glances from the other submissives I was sure it would not be good. I became excited when I heard the sound of belts and flies being undone. Looking over to see what I was assuming would be hard cocks but realized in a few seconds, as they all squatted on the tiled floor and started to grunt I was not going to get fucked anytime soon. As they all unloaded their bowels onto the tiled floor. Their slaves coming over and scooping up the shit, mouthing their apologies as they started to smear me with shit. My Master laughed at my disgusted face and grinned down at me. “I thought I’d make you into the dirty whore I know you are. Aren’t you going to say thank you?” I felt my stomach roil, the smell, the feeling, it was just making me sick but I was a good slave. So well trained I would do anything and everything to make my Master happy. Even if it was to say “Thank you Master for making me a dirty whore”

Erotic BDSM stories in the park

Erotic BDSM storiesAfter some long and hard consideration, I have decided on the three things I want to do this year for my new year’s resolution. First, I want to meet new people. Second, spend more time outside. Third, get more exercise. So my very first order of business? To have a get together at a park in the middle of nowhere. Lots of men and women in the middle of nowhere, all with wet pussies and hard cocks for a fun outdoor orgy. We had women and men of all ages and weights and it was beautiful! We started with the submissives stripping to our collars and setting up the blankets, air mattresses, and picnic foods while our Masters all socialized and enjoyed each other’s company. I went to tell my Master that everything was completed and he smacked my ass in reward, “Good girl.” he smiled at me. Adjusting his cock in his pants to show me what he wanted me to do next. So I moved to my knees, taking his hard thick cock out of his pants and I could feel my pussy getting wet as I licked up his shaft.

Gangbang phone sexMoaning at the pleasure of feeling his arousal on my tongue. I felt soft hands with long sharp nails along my ass before I felt a tongue lick up my crack from my pussy to my asshole. Those nails digging into me as she (I think) spreads my pussy and ass open. Licking over my clit and up my slit with a moan as I take Master’s cock into my mouth. Her tongue fucking my pussy as he uses my throat pushes me over the edge in no time and I cum onto her waiting tongue. Master guided me off of his cock as he invited the woman whose face was covered in my cum over. He tortured me by licking her shiny face, tasting every drop of my cum on her lips and kissed her deeply. He turned her and helped her onto his cock. Making me watch as he sunk into her pink pussy, his cock big enough I could see him stretching her. I leaned forward and sucked the base of his cock, teasing his balls with my tongue and sucking and licking the woman’s clit too as I heard people begin to fuck and cum around me. My master’s big cock, skilled fingers, and my tongue bringing this woman to orgasm in no time flat. This was a great idea, we’ll have to do this again next week and all come together and make this an orgasm filled year.

Submissive Whore

Watch the Attitude

Bare bottom spankingsSo, I did a stupid thing. I talked back to my Master with a cock and sarcastic tone. So, as I got hog tied with my bright blue Christmas present and my mouth held open with an O ring. All of this in front of our party guests. I could feel my cheeks flush brightly and couldn’t seem to meet the eyes of anyone around me as I was told to wiggle and squirm onto my knees, my weight rested against my chest. I gurgled and moaned, unable to hold the drool in around my mouth being forced open creating a pool of spit under my cheek. I was trying to figure out how to keep my face out of that wet puddle I felt the hard, sharp, and hot sting of a reed cane across my cold ass. I screamed and wiggled before feeling another quick smack across the fleshy cheeks again. Another person coming and taking a fist full of my hair making me look up towards the stranger, unable to recognize them with the tears of pain in my eyes running down my cheek, ruining my makeup. A cock making its way between the O ring and running over my tongue as another hard whack against my ass as the cock begin to make its way in and out of my throat.