Category: Spanking chat

Submissive Whore Separates the Weak from the Strong

submissive whoreA submissive whore can take a good beating or spanking without saying ouch or crying. There is no crying in spanking. Not if you are a good bitch. Most days I go into work, it is just me and my boss, my full time Master. But today, he had a some extra bare bottoms around. He said it was Spank Me Wednesday. He wants me to retire next year. He thinks I am aging out as I approach 40, so he is searching for new paralegal slaves. He wanted my help in the interview process as a seasoned slave.

Spanking phone sexAll the prospective slaves were young, like me when I started. But, the young girls today, are not the same breed as me. They thinking being submissive is fun and games; they are duped by the “Fifty Shades of Gray,” novels. They think that is the reality of a master and servant relationship at work. It could not be any further from the truth. I am property. I am a slave in every sense. Sometimes I am forced to work chained to my desk with a ball gag in my mouth. Do you know how difficult it is to type restrained? Or answer a phone sounding like you got cock in your mouth? If I don’t do either perfectly, I am beaten, spanked, even tortured. There are no safe words for me. I work in an unsafe world.

submissive phone sexI got angered interviewing these young bimbos. I knew this was a phase for them. None of them had what it took to be a long term slave. Master was blinded by their perky little bodies. Gravity still loved them. But young girls today are so disrespectful; so self entitled. They cannot put a man’s needs and desires above their own hedonistic wants; not for long at least. When Master asked me to help with the spanking, I knew I could separate the weak from the strong. Haven been given my share of spanks in my life, I knew how to pop a wallop so it left a mark. None of those girls proved worthy of being my replacement. They were sent on their way with bright red butt cheeks, and tears in their eyes. Master looked at me and said, “Maybe I was wrong to think you could be replaced.” If I have my druthers, I will not retire anytime soon. I need to be enslaved until I die.

Bondage whore

Bondage whoreI am such a Bondage whore. I woke up still tied and bound. I could feel the spreader bar forcing my legs open. The dried cum covering my clit all the way to my asshole. I am pulsating all over. My nipples are tender and bruised from the pinching. My pussy is throbbing from the pounding. I can barely move. That is when I hear a strange voice from the other room. He is laughing and talking about me. I can hear him say its time for me to wake up. And then a bunch of guys start laughing. I know what is about to happen. They are about to use me. Gang bang me and treat me like the whore I am. And my pussy is already creaming just waiting for them to cum get me! I love being a cum whore!

Submissive Whore for Spanking Phone Sex

submissive whoreAs a submissive whore, I do what I am told. Sometimes Master pimps me out to others. Maybe he charges a fee or gives me outright as a token of appreciation for something. Last week, I accompanied him to NYC for some business. He gave me for the evening to a business associate. I wanted to ask why and what for, but that is not what a good bitch does. I accepted my uncertain fate.

I was told to be ready at 6 PM sharp and be wearing pink. I was escorted to SCONY, the Spanking Club of New York. The only one of its kind. Apparently, only couples are allowed in, no singletons allowed. My master for the night needed a bare ass to spank. The club was very old school. Based on the principles: Old-fashioned, Platonic, Traditional, Institutional, Loving And Parental discipline. Code words were used and there was even a notice about keeping out creepy behaviors. This place was going to be tame from what I was used to, almost boring. I was wrong.

spanking phone sexThey had special VIP rooms for privacy. My master for the night had nothing but pink BDSM and spanking gear for me. Told me I was “pretty in pink.” I would soon have a bright pink ass to match the gear. This master is particularly fond of bare bottom spankings, so for two hours straight, I laid across his knees while restrained and gagged so I could not squirm or cry. I wanted to though. That was a lot of spanking. That was nothing to what came next. He had a pink Cat O Nine Tails that wrecked havoc on my ass. So much so, I bled and could not sit. I felt like an American slave, instead of an S and M slave. Large gashes decorated my back side. They will take weeks to heal.

On the airplane trip home, I had to sit on a little tushy cushion, pink of course. And of course, despite my injuries, I was expected to provide my Master with membership in the mile high club. He joked that my ass looked like I tried to fuck Freddy Krueger. It certainly felt that way. Have you ever whipped a woman’s ass raw?

bare bottom spankings

Happy Daddies Day!

Bare Bottom spankingsIt is fathers day today! And I know just what daddy wants! He wants to tie me up and spank me till my bottom is cherry red with sprinkles of blueberry’s! I am daddies Subby little teen slut and I will do ANYTHING for him! BUT today is special! It is Fathers day! And I want daddy to know how much I love him! How much I need to be his trampy whore! I am going to beg to be used. And thank daddy over and over for treating me like the nasty slut I am! I am sure Daddy has something wickedly fun in store for me today! I know how much daddy likes to watch me being used. I can hear all the men showing up! They are laughing and talking about how they are going to use me! I cant wait!

A Submissive Slut Knows How to Say Happy Father’s Day

submissive whoreIf you are a submissive whore, you know that the best thing you can give the daddy in your life for Father’s Day is yourself. Your total self. I’m not talking a fuck here, but giving yourself to a man, mind, body and soul. Men, if you have not had a woman give you total control over her, you need to take it so you can feel how exhilarating it is; trust me, it will make you rock hard. My daddy had total control over me. Every man in my life has total control over me. Father’s Day is an important day for me because all of my Masters are like daddies to me.

bondage whoreA father tells you what to do. A father keeps tabs on you. A father punishes you when you are bad. A father tells you how to behave and dress. A father smothers you with attention. A father controls you. A father watches your every move. Masters do the same thing. So look at a master servant relationship as a father daughter one. You need to protect me from myself and others with tough love. Unconditional love. I know no matter how bad a Master punishes me, it is for my own good. Spare the rod, spoil the brat, right?

BDSM phone sex slutSo for all the Masters in my life, I am giving them the gift of total control and ownership of my body. Each master can do what they want to me because it’s about their pleasure not mine. My first daddy, loves to spank my ass. Always has, always will. So for him, I got him the Robospanker with a doggy stockade to use on me whenever he wants. Have you heard of this machine? It is not cheap, but it is the premiere spanking machine. The paddle swings both horizontally and vertically. Essentially, you can control the tilt, the angle and the speed of the spanks. And the best feature is the remote control, so Daddy can even tell me to spank myself. Now Daddy can give his hand a break sometimes. The best present really for any Master who is fond of bare bottom spankings.

bare bottom spankings daddyFor my boss, who is a second Daddy to me, I got him the Cell Block Bed to use one me in pink coated marine grade aluminum. He can chain me to the bed; suspend me from it for beatings and floggings, or he can keep me a prisoner behind bars, underneath for days denying me even basic necessities . The perfect Father’s day gift for a capricious Master. I am his BDSM and bondage whore, so I know he will love a Father’s Day gift that will cover all sorts of S and M games.

I know how to say Happy Father’s Day to my masters. Without the strong men in my life, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I need masters and fathers, not boyfriends and husbands. Please check out our specials too. You can have more quality time punishing me, for less money. Why break the bank, when you can just break me?

phone sex specials


bondage and submission robyn1The night air was cool and crisp for a summers day. The slight breeze causing my sweat covered body to catch a chill. My pink uniform was soaked and the pink and black heels I was wearing were killing my feet. It was a hell of a night at the club for a cocktail waitress. All the men were in rare form and I felt like every inch of my body was bruised from being pinched, spanked, prodded and poked. But my pockets were bulging with the tips I made and it was over. Turning the corner I knew I only had a couple blocks to walk before I was home.
Suddenly I head the squeal of tires and felt a strong hand over my mouth and around my waist. I tried to struggle but it was no use, he was to strong. I was shoved into the back of a car and a blindfold was placed over my eyes in what seemed like on swift move. I felt hands all over me binding my ankles together, my hands were yanked behind me so hard I thought my shoulders would snap and a gag was placed in my mouth.
Despite being scared as hell my pussy was twitching and tingling and I could feel the familiar build up of juices at the edge of spilling over and into my panties.
Suddenly the car stopped and I was lifted out of the back seat and into what felt like the trunk. I could tell by the footsteps and the amount of hand I felt that there were several men around me.
Someone yanked my dress opened and pulled my tits out, pinching and pulling them, hands were all over me…..I struggled from natural instinct but my panties were full fledged soaked by now and I was so fucking turned on.
I don’t know how long I was there or how many men had me. The last thing I remember was a cloth over my mouth and nose, a darkness came over me and I woke up in my bed freshly bathed and perfumed in my soft jammies and tucked in.
Was it a dream?

Submissive Whore Cydney Loves Spanking Phone Sex From Daddy

Submissive Whore

Bratty bratty submissive whore I am and I love it when my Daddy gives me all kinds of spanking phone sex fun. Sometimes I even beg him for it. I love it when he swats me till my ass is black and blue. I want him to whip me hard till tears run down my face. If I cannot get him to spank me because I am a good girl I will be a naughty brat till I get my way. I will tease him and run away till I get him red in the face.
That is when Daddy give me the best punishment. I always pretend to fall, when he catches up to me I kneel at his feet and kiss them for forgiveness. He always quickly grabs me up by my ponytail and tells me that forgiveness must be earned before it is given. That made my pussy start to release its sweet juices. He threw me onto the bed with a lot of force and then lifted my skirt revealing me bare ass.

spanking phone sex
The first swat of the paddle took my breath from my lungs. It stung and I gripped the palms of my hands hard. The second swat he ordered me to keep count. “1…2…mmmm” “Mmm is not a number,” he barked back. I smiled a little knowing that I had earned myself a couple more hard swats. I whimpered and bit my lips as I felt my ass start to glow red. He finished at 20 swats and then examined his work.
My ass was purple and I loved it. I knew it was going to take me a couple of days to recover so I was thankful Daddy had me lay at his feet. He stroked the side of my face and told me that I was a good little brat. A few days later I brought Daddy his paddle eager for another go around. He told me he was watching a show. Time to act out again. I giggled and went to get into some mischief.

spanking chat

Spanking Phone Sex with a Submissive Whore: Hurt Me Daddy

Spanking phone sexSpanking phone sex anyone? Look at my round smooth bottom. It beckons you to spank it doesn’t? You wouldn’t be the only one to feel that way! When I was just a wee girl, my daddy would spank me for no reason. I never understood my infraction as a young school girl. Without provocation, Daddy would throw me over his knees, pull my little pink cotton panties off and spank my bare ass until it was bright red. I would feel his thing poking at my belly with every slap. I thought I was just an incorrigible brat, but daddy was just a dirty p man! I didn’t like it at the time, but over the years from our spanking sessions , I became a total submissive whore for Daddy, my first Master.

submissive whoreBy the time I was a teen, I would wait for Daddy to come home from work. I would wear a short skirt, no panties and be bent over so the first thing he would see when he walked through the door was the bottom he loved to spank so much. I would rub my little clitty as his hand smacked down hard on my ass, while screaming “Hurt me daddy. Hurt me daddy.” Sometimes he would let me suck his cock while giving me his special bare bottom spankings. Daddy loved to abuse his little girl, but he didn’t want to fuck me. As much as I would beg for him to fuck my ass, he just wanted to hurt it. “Worthless little whores don’t deserve the pleasure of a nice cock,” he would say. Daddy was a twat tease.

bare bottom spankingsWhen I was 18, I left home looking for men who would abuse me, but fuck me too. I got lucky. Almost all men want to spank me then fuck me then spank me some more. My boss is my new Master and he spanks me all day long. And if I am disobedient, I get rewarded, umm, I mean punished with his big hard cock rammed in my ass repeatedly. Do you want to spank me Master?

Tie Up this Submissive Whore

submissive whore CaseyI woke up. I couldn’t move. I was bound, head to foot, my mouth filled with something, muffling my attempts to cry out. My eyes were bound, and I couldn’t see anything. And then he was there, moving behind me. I heard a “slap, slap, slap” sound, seeming to be a paddle against the side of a leg, and the noise began moving in a circle around from behind me, to my left, to my front. Then, with no warning but a soft hush of air, I felt a sharp CRACK of a paddle smack against the side of my right tit! I jumped and tried to squeal, but all I could make was a *mmphf* sound through the collection of stuff covering my mouth.

I tried to shift in my bonds. I couldn’t, I was bound up so tight. But as I wriggled a bit, I found I was uncomfortable. The more I wriggled, the worse it got, and I kept wriggling to find a less painful position. As I shifted, I heard the familiar sound of a man jerking off. “That’s right, you just try to get out of those bonds, you submissive whore,” he said breathily as he stroked himself. I started writhing and fighting at my bonds, and I started crying behind my blindfold. My audible cries of discomfort and pain went basically unheard in my gag, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because soon I felt the hot stream of cum coat the blindfold and drip over my nose, clogging my holes and making it difficult to breathe.

I just love submissive phone sex, don’t you?


bondage and submission robyn1

Being a submissive in my parents house is not something I do. But I had been house sitting for them for a week now while they traveled and I was so fucking horny! I wanted it. I needed it. It is who I am. When he called and asked to come over I knew he needed my sweet and submissive ways. I also knew that my parents would be mortified to know that I love to submit to him. To let him tie me up while I wear my wooden cross around my neck and allow him to sodomize me and take me how ever he sees fit. As soon as I opened the door and saw the red ball gag in his hand I felt the juices flow. I lowered my eyes and let him in, leading him to the master bedroom. My parent’s bed room. There he took me as he always does. And I did as I was told as I always do. Sitting on the floor in my fish net stockings after he left I felt the need to confess. I called my priest and as soon as he answered I uttered the words “Forgive me Father for I have sinned” He recognized my voice right away. We had been a member of the church since I was very little. Soothingly he told me to put a dress over my body as I was and come to him right away. Obeying, as a good submissive does, I arrived at the church. There I stood. My hair disheveled, sweat had caused my makeup to run, the red ball gag was hanging around my neck with the little wooden cross. Father took me to the bathroom that was tiled in the purest of white and lifted my dress over my head. I knew what he needed. I have confessed many times before. Lowering my eyes and falling to my knees I prepared for his anointing…..